Monday, February 28, 2022
Sprint #4 Delivery, Asset/Feature Complete
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Sprint 3 - Delivery, Sound & VFX
For this sprint, I added a firefly VFX to guide the player through the experience. I have it attached to a spline which will eventually get attached to the boat spline. The fireflies are on their own blueprint currently with their own timeline. I also optimized the lanterns so the shader complexity isn't as bad to improve performance.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Sprint 2 - Beginning, Middle, and End Part II
For this sprint, I completely redid the lantern particle systems. We moved from Niagara to Cascade. I got the fade in and fade out of the particles working and Laura created the trigger box system that spawns the lanterns from the boats. I also created the begin and end fades and helped Laura set that up in blueprints. I also helped with the lantern spawning blueprint that gets called when the player overlaps the trigger box.
Sprint #5 Delivery
For this sprint I was tasked with fixing the Emmi scan so that it didn't spin around wildly anymore which I was able to fix with just ...
For this week's assignment we went over the basics of lighting. Making a three point lighting set up in Unreal came pretty naturally t...
For this week, we worked collaboratively on the PowerPoint, but I took more of a focus on the visual effects and special design considerat...
My tasks this week consisted of getting the outline to toggle on and off between the correct steps. Right now, they are set on trigger box...