Monday, February 28, 2022

Sprint #4 Delivery, Asset/Feature Complete


For this sprint, we did a ton of polishing. We worked hard to get the boat movement on a spline which we successfully were able to make happen! I did the boat rotation along the spline and I added the fireflies to the boat spline as well. I fixed the lantern gravity and mass. And I helped with destroying the fireflies once they were in a trigger box.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Sprint 3 - Delivery, Sound & VFX


For this sprint, I added a firefly VFX to guide the player through the experience. I have it attached to a spline which will eventually get attached to the boat spline. The fireflies are on their own blueprint currently with their own timeline. I also optimized the lanterns so the shader complexity isn't as bad to improve performance. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Sprint 2 - Beginning, Middle, and End Part II


For this sprint, I completely redid the lantern particle systems. We moved from Niagara to Cascade. I got the fade in and fade out of the particles working and Laura created the trigger box system that spawns the lanterns from the boats. I also created the begin and end fades and helped Laura set that up in blueprints. I also helped with the lantern spawning blueprint that gets called when the player overlaps the trigger box.

Sprint #5 Delivery

  For this sprint I was tasked with fixing the Emmi scan so that it didn't spin around wildly anymore which I was able to fix with just ...